Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Degraffenried Family | Arizona Photographer

Last year, I got a request for a full hour session to get portraits of three teenage boys. I thought to myself, "wow, that's a pretty long session to get portraits for just them." But little did I know what I was getting in to. They were great, but there were just way more interesting things for them to be doing than takings pictures, haha, so it did take the full hour!

This year, however....I decided to up my game. Or rather come with back up. Sweet backup. Back up in the form of Bosa donut holes! And a lot of them. Only to be delivered to the boys who gave me smiles worthy of their mother's wall.

I think that, and possibly an extra year on their shoulders helped, haha. They did so great! After putting up with all my ideas, they ran off (as you'll see in the pictures ;) ) and did their own thing for a bit. They hopped on top of their big storage unit and that's were I saw their biggest smiles of the day!

Okay, so lessons for Trisha:

1. Donut holes are a great bribe for older crews.

2. Bribe them with something they want to do.

3. Make sure to capture the in between moments of #2.

and lastly

4. Buy more donut holes than you need so you can enjoy a post session treat ;)

Hope you enjoy this session! It was such a fun one!

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