Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Miss Zoe | Newborn

Up on the blog today is some sweet cuteness that's been waaaaay overdue to display! Sweet little Zoe was the sweetest thing to get to cuddle with and softly shush into each pose. I have never worked with such a sleepy, easy, baby!

I met Zoe's beautiful mom at a support group meeting for spouses of dental/medical students. Probably one of the scariest meetings of our lives! Scary because it was right before our husband's both went into school (mine dental, hers medical) and they were warning us what it'd be like for the next 4 years of our lives. I basically cried for a week....okay, that was an exaggeration. Half a week.

But there is good news! We're both surviving and have cute little babies to keep us company!

Babies are such sweet miracles and Sarah has masterfully transitioned into being an amazing mom already.

And now it's time for a confession: One of my favorite things about photography is meeting new people and becoming good friends by the end of my sessions with them! I seriously love it! And thank goodness for Facebook, because now I get to watch this little baby grow! :) (Pssst: We're going to stay friends right Sarah? ;) )

Now just enjoy this cuteness!

 Wasn't she adorable? <3


1 comment :

  1. I was going to say "The one with the 'wreath' and her tiny smile is my favorite!" but then I decided that straight on shot (composite shot?) is my favorite. But then I decided the purple flower headband with the smile was my favorite. But then the bucket photo was favorite. So I just decided they are all favorite!! Beautiful!!


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