Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Melissa | Little Sister | Arizona Wedding Photographer

Today, I want to introduce you to one of the most kind and beautiful people I know. I've actually been nervous to write this post because I don't believe anything that I write could actually do this sweet girl justice.

This is Melissa.

She is kind, caring, sensitive, joyful, smart, funny, spunky, happy, silly, gentle, and positive. She has an infectious laugh and is always smiling with her eyes. She finds joy in the little things. She's obsessed with cats. She is a music guru, and not just in U.S. music but music across the globe with a special liking for K-pop (Korean pop music). She loves everyone. I am constantly cracking up at the hilarious memes she's always finding and posting.

She is a great example to both me and my daughter. She loves Colbie fiercely and is so patient and kind to her. 

This is my little sister.

This summer we had the opportunity for her to come down and visit us for a month. I was nervous at first. What would it be like having a teenager in the house? I remember my teen years and I was definitely not the easiest child for my parent's to deal with.

But, I have to say. Having Melissa here has been the best thing I could ever have asked for! I truly feel so spoiled to have gotten to spend this precious time with this sweet spirited girl. 

I've loved our talks, our silly pictures using snapchat filters, shopping, swimming, watching movies, and playing with Colbie.

We've conspired to make this happen every year. We'll see though. Big sister may get a little outdated eventually :) 

Well, all that being said. Here's a little look at one of the sweetest beings I know. I hope you love them as much as we enjoyed our time taking them!

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