Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Just a Bunch of Fluff

Okay, so there are two things you should probably know about me.

1. When I get on a kick, it's like 24/7 all I can think about, don't stop until it's finished, crazy get it done, cut a few very tiny corners maybe to get there fast kind of thing.


2. A pet peeve of mine is getting interrupted in the middle of something. Watch out when I'm in my zone. :)


Should I start from the beginning?

When we switched apartments because of previous psycho neighbors (you don't want to know) we dumped our old huge black entertainment center and giant cube TV. (Thank you to --you know who you are-- for the flat-screen tv dental school gift!)
BEFORE! This was taken at Colbie's birthday party, so excuse the balloons :) 

After the upgrade, I went in search for the perfect replacement stand for it and became obsessed with vintage dressers. I found one on craigslist for a steal and.......because of that one itsy bitsy little thing it lead to a whole redesign of my living room......whoops (this is where the hashtag sorry not sorry would come in handy :))

So every week I've been on a new kick. First it was decorations for the stand, next it was the gallery wall, then the bookshelf, then the end table, and mirror, lamp.....and finally I got to accent pillows!
I love this dresser! And the gallery wall! :) And I love how all these changes made the room so light!

So this will show you how crazy I am! (Side note, previously my house was black and light blue. You get so tired of it after a few years! I hope this re-do lasts longer!)

Okay, back to crazy. Yesterday at the store (Walmart) I found the most gorgeous cloth. I'd been searching forever for the perfect fabric, even online, but I guess walmart just brought in a new vendor with modern/fun designs! Exciting and dangerous at the same time :)

I took the plunge and spent $30 on fabric. $30 for 9 accent pillows? (I used the stuffing from my old ones) AMAZING!

Anyway, I probably got home at 4pm yesterday from the store, took last night after the baby went to bed to sew, and as of 11am this morning had 7 of them made! I would have done them all last night, but the hubs was going to bed and I didn't want to make him wait for me.

The important thing to remember when choosing fabrics for accent pillows is to not make them too matchy matchy. I love a couple with some really bold prints, and then some with less going on. I also like to add details here and there. You'll see on the blue and dotted ones, I added a bias tape edge and then on the pink one, I did a lot of.....squishiness? I have no idea how to define that :) haha. Lots of flowers. Last but not least, different sizes makes it more visually appealing.
The bias tape on the left was the bomb-digity. Seriously. It already had the cord in it. The gold stuff I had to sew the cord in to it. So annoying..... but it looked so good so I had to! Seriously, these little detail made the biggest difference in making these pillows look store-bought! 

Behold those "squishy" or "fluffy" details. This took so much time on the machine. Yes, I sewed all those tiny pieces of fabric on and cut them all myself. It only took 2 or 3 hours.

I love this project! It changed the feel of the whole room! It's nearly perfect!

But, last but not least, to explain #2 thing about myself from up top. With two pillows left, my daughter crawled under the table and hit the sewing machine pedal while I was turned around fixing a pillow. (Sad sigh), it kills me just thinking about it. My machine broke and now I have to wait until Friday to get it back......minus $79 from my pocket. Ouch. Oh, it kills me to be sooooo close and not have it done.

I had to make a little sneak appearance into this post ;)

Love this project and the change! Feels good to have a beautiful, light place to relax and refresh. I'll share more of my living room updates in the coming weeks!


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